If you're deeply in debt by high credit card debt or medical bills, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the most effective way to protect yourself from creditor harassment and start afresh. A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy consists of discharging one's unsecured debts, such as: credit card debt or any debt where there is no collateral. It includes the ability to protect a certain amount of one's assets. Also called "liquidation," "debt wipe-out" or "fresh start," Chapter 7 cases are typically resolved 3-6 months after the filing date. You will receive a Bankruptcy Discharge and your obligation to the discharged debts will be over. The Law Offices of Saman Behnam will help you file for Chapter 7 and make the phone calls stop. We´ve helped numerous clients absolve themselves of debt and can do the same for you.
People often wonder if they qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Qualification depends on whether you pass the means test. According to the new law, if your gross annual income falls under a certain amount, depending on the number of people in your household, you can file for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can do the following:
• Wipe out most of your unsecured debt (credit card bills) or
loans, civil lawsuits and/or medical bills.
• Stop harassment by credit card companies
• Stop any collection efforts by most creditors
• Protect your home and personal property
• Stop any attempt to garnish wages
Chapter 13 is also known as "reorganization" or "consolidation." If your income is determined to be too high for Chapter 7 procedure, but you are facing foreclusre on your home, auto repossessions or tax debts, Chapter 13 can help give you some breathing room. 99% of all debtors who file Chapter 13 keep their assets. We'll help you with all the particulars and paperwork involved in establishing Chapter 13.
Frequently, those who file bankruptcy and keep their homes are able to recover their lost equity. The Law Offices of Saman Behnam can help you protect your largest investment.